Baptism is the first of the sacraments of initiation into Christ and the Church. For further information or to register an infant for baptism, parents should reach out to us as soon as possible, even prior to the birth of their child. That is also a good time to ask about the responsibilities of parents, a person's eligibility to be a sponsor (godparent), parish policies, and to let us know if there are any special circumstances or concerns. For inqiries about baptism, please complete the form at the bottom of this page.
What is Baptism?
Baptism is the gateway to new life in the Spirit. We are welcomed into the Church and become part of the community of faith.
Why is Baptism important?
Baptism washes us clean from all sin and we are reborn as sons and daughters of God through his son, Jesus Christ. By the sacrament we become part of the Church and sharers in the Gospel Mission.
Who can be Baptized?
Infants are baptized and welcomed into the Church soon after birth and after a series of meetings to prepare parents for the baptism. Anyone who is not already baptized may seek baptism through the Church and receive it after preparation.
Who can be Godparents?
Guidelines for Sponsors for Baptims in the Archdiocese of Boston
What about older children and adults who seek baptism?
If a person inquiring about or seeking baptism has the use of reason (i.e. is about 7 years of age or older), the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults guides our response and the pastoral care that we offer. Please speak to Fr. Jeff or our Director of Evangelization, Tom, for more information.
For inquiries about baptism, please complete the information below and we will be in touch with you to discuss the next steps.