Welcome to sacramental preparation for First Holy Communion!
In or around Second Grade, Catholic children typically begin preparation for First Communion. 2nd Grade Faith Formation is a yearlong program, and is cumulative. It's important for participants to fully participate in classes and Masses all year long. We will meet at Saint Elizabeth's church on Sundays at 10AM for a brief lesson, then proceed to the 10:45 Mass to attend as a group with our families.
Our approach to faith formation at Apple Valley Catholic Community (AVCC) will continue this year with our traditions of:
The year will be split in half, with the Fall dedicated to preparation for the sacrament of Reconciliation. We will continue our preparation for First Eucharist in the new year, wrapping up in late Spring.
Everyone is encouraged to participate in weekend Mass.
The Mass schedule is as follows:
Saturday at 5pm at St. Elizabeth of Hungary
Sunday at 8:45am at St. Isidore
Sunday at 10:45am at St. Elizabeth of Hungary
Children’s Liturgy of the Word is offered at most 8:45 am and 10:45 am Masses and is an excellent opportunity for the children to hear the readings and Gospel followed by discussions/activities to help gain a deeper understanding and connection with God’s word.
*This is a key component of helping our children understand their faith beyond rote recitation.
Children's Mass: These are special masses where children will be staying upstairs for mass (No Children's Liturgy), the homily will be tailored to our youth, and kids in grades 3+ will be reading the Prayers of the Faithful.
All dates subject to change, of course.
Faith Lessons at Home. Since parents are the primary models and teachers of faith for their children, you will work together with your child on the Go-Seek-Find home lessons each week.
Our First Communion curriculum is from St. Mary’s Press, and it’s called “Go Seek Find”. Your child will receive a complete Catholic Children’s Bible along with two Folders with their activity booklets, one for First Reconciliation and one for First Eucharist. There are wonderful parent and family resources to support your faith journey on the publisher’s website: https://www.smp.org/series/87/Go-Seek-Find-Discover-Gods-Treasures/
Next Steps. Here are some important next steps (if you haven’t done so already):
Register for Faith Formation Here